Monday 260312

One day at the Met, midterm crit.
1. Presentation day, a lot of work on the walls. Here's some of my presentation.
2.  Deserving Lunch deluxe in glass/ceramic containers.
3. John and Natalie at lunch in park.
4. More presentations, here is Charlie.
5. Corridors.
6. Natalie keeping the mood up. 
7- Hiro being tiered.
8. Girls focusing on presentations.
9.  15 long presentations later - done! Our classroom. 
10. Business time! John, Garet, Charlie, me and Hiro
11. Dinner after beer. 
12. Old school dancing after dinner. 
13. Cherry blossom on the way home. 

2 kommentarer:

Mats Håkansson Behrbohm sa...

hur gick kritten?

Lovisa Lindström sa...

Multo bene! Nä, men mycket intressanta kritiker denna gång, och bra tips för hur jag ska gå vidare. Men ändå blir det bra mycket prokastinerande just nu... iiiihhh